Wednesday, July 29, 2015

How to generate certificate on Fedora

One should have a basic understanding of asymmetric encryption, and PKI based on it.

So the first step is to generate a private key:
openssl genrsa -out fd.key 2048
One can examine the content by cat command

One can generate the corresponding public key for playing:
openssl rsa -in fd.key -pubout -out fd-public.key

Now we want create a self-signed certificate, so first we create the request:
openssl req -new -key fd.key -out fd.csr
Now let’s check the content of the file:
openssl req -text -in fd.csr –noout

Since we want to use the self-signed certificate to sign other certificate, so we add more attribute:
echo “basicConstraints = CA:true” > fd.ext

Now let’s sign the certificate:
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in fd.csr -signkey fd.key -out fd.crt -extfile fd.ext
Now let’s examine the certificate:
openssl x509 -text -in fd.crt –noout

Up to now, we have a working certificate: fd.crt

We will treat it as a root CA, avoiding directly use it. So let’s advance to create extra certificate, well, for some service.

The first step is obviously to create the key:
openssl genrsa -out test.key 2048

Now generate the request:
openssl req -new -key test.key -out test.csr

For signing with the previous certificate fd.crt to work, we need another file:
echo 00 >

Now to sign it:
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in test.csr -CA fd.crt -CAkey fd.key -out test.crt

We can examine the content of the new generate certificate test.crt:
openssl x509 -text -in test.crt –noout
End of the story.

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